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Radio Shows

Valley Views

Our show's mission is to uplift stories of brilliant people, organizations, businesses and social movements that have a positive impact on the San Fernando Valley and beyond Bridging the San Fernando Valley communities through deep and fun discussions at the intersectionality of politics, economics, culture, art and music.

Take You There Radio

This show is committed to delving into global music and offering a platform for artists to share their stories and passions. Take You There radio transports you to a realm where creative minds bring the music to life.

The Panda Hour

The Panda Hour is a radio show that blends live mixing with authentic conversations. Hosted by Jose the Panda and Daniel Molina, this vibrant show is a fusion of syncopated rhythm and organized noise


Financial Fridays

Julian Park, founder of Get Real Valley, and Richard Bernal, real estate guru, co-host this show providing a unique financial perspective on San Fernando Valley. With unconventional and innovative topics, sprinkled with humor, they delve into subjects we've always wondered about but never fully understood


Voces Unidas

Voces Unidas is a community-driven show led by some of the city's most passionate activists. Each week, they highlight a different topic relevant to the community and invite those on the front lines fighting for the voiceless. Tune in every Sunday to hear the voices of the community

Women Holding Hands

Chicana in the City

Chicana in the City show ​spotlights pioneers and innovators who are reshaping the ​narrative of our culture in entertainment, fashion, beauty, ​entrepreneurship, politics and social activism spaces. Chicana in the City ​allows guests to be vulnerable, lead with their intuition, and ​connect with their cultura to create their legacy and inspire ​future generations to come.

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